Custom Hats

We believe that your hat should be as unique as you are. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our latest innovation: Customised Merino Hats - a canvas for you to express your individuality and style like never before!

1. Choose Your Style: Select from a range of hat styles - from classic straw to trendy fedoras. Our diverse collection ensures that there's a silhouette that perfectly complements your style and need.

2. Select Your Material: Choose from our curated selection of premium merino, classic straw or handwoven toquilla straw as a base to create your masterpiece.

3. Pick Your Palette: Express yourself through your colour choice! Dive into our extensive colour palette to find the hues that resonate with your personality. Mix and match to create a hat that's truly one-of-a-kind.

4. Add Personalized Details: Elevate your creation with personalised details. Monogram your initials, add a special date, or choose from our selection of embellishments to make your hat uniquely yours.

6. Crafted Just for You: Once you've perfected your design, our skilled artisans will bring it to life. Your hat will be meticulously crafted with attention to detail, ensuring it's a true reflection of your style.

Join us in celebrating individuality, creativity, and the joy of wearing something that's uniquely you. Create your own Mason hat and let your style shine!